Auditorium Séquoia
Thursday 2 December
08.30 Opening of the welcome desk
09.30 Welcome address
Xavier Longaygue, Scientific Board, IFPEN, France
Opening of SimRace
Ani Anciaux-Sedrakian & Soleiman Yousef SimRace, Scientific Correspondents, IFPEN, France
Session 1 - High order methods on general meshes
Chair: Soleiman Yousef, IFPEN
09.40 Beatrice Rivière, Rice University Houston, Texas, USA
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for two-phase flows
10.20 Daniele Di Pietro, Université de Montpellier, France
Hybrid High-Order methods for Darcean flows in complex porous media
11.00 Vincent Perrier, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France
Compressible multiphase flows: modeling and high order discretization
11.40 Alessio Fumagalli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Virtual element methods for domains with curved geometry
12.20 Discussion & Conclusion session
12.30 Lunch
Session 2 - Model reduction
Chair: Guillaume Enchery, IFPEN
14.00 Angelo Iollo, Université de Bordeaux, France
Parameterized flow interpolation by learning optimal transportation with Gaussian models
14.40 Michel Bergmann, INRIA Bordeaux, France
Multi-fidelity computations of fluid structure interaction problems
15.20 Pierre-Alain Guidault & David Néron, LMT Cachan, France
Model order reduction by PGD in nonlinear computational mechanics
16.00 Olga Mula Hernandez, Paris Dauphine University, France
Compressed Wasserstein Barycenters and Application to Model Order Reduction
16.40 Damiano Lombardi, INRIA Paris, France
Tensor methods for parametric PDEs
17.20 Discussion & Conclusion session
18.00- 20.00 Happy Hour, Café Leffe - 2 passage d’Arcole (10mn walk from IFPEN)
Friday 3 December
08.30 Opening of the welcome desk
Session 3 - Mixed precision
Chair: Ani Anciaux-Sedrakian, IFPEN
9.30 Erin Carson, Charles University, Czech Republic
High Performance Mixed Precision Numerical Linear Algebra
10.10 Théo Mary, CNRS/LIP6, France
Solving sparse linear systems in mixed precision arithmetic
10.50 Mathias Wagner, Nvidia, Germany
Mixed precision in Lattice QCD – experiences from QUDA
11.30 Fabienne Jézéquel, Sorbonne University/LIP6, France
Precision auto-tuning and control of accuracy in high performance simulations
12.10 Lunch
Session 4 - Lattice boltzmann method
Chair: Stéphane Jay, IFPEN
13.30 Manfred Krafczyk, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
The Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann method for high Reynolds number and complex flow simulations
14.10 Jonas Latt, University of Genève, Switzerland
GPU performance of Lattice Boltzmann simulations on non-uniform meshes
14.50 Martin Kronbichler, Technical University of Munich
A runtime-based comparison of lattice Boltzmann and finite difference solvers for incompressible flow
15.30 Pierre Boivin, CNRS/M2P2, France
Lattice-Boltzmann methods for multi-physics: weak and strong coupling
16.10 Discussion & Conclusion session